Stop Biden’s Automobile Kill-Switch
This letter campaign has been completed
Please do not contact officials on this matter at this time. This is here for archive purposes to let you know how we are working for you.

Dear US Senators and House Members:
We are writing to you as constituents and as American citizens, whose rights are to be protected by the United States Constitution and your sworn oath to the same. Given the rapid erosion of our rights over the last two decades, in this letter we spotlight our very valid and deep concerns about the consequences of a section of the Biden Administration’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) signed into law on November 15, 2021.
The Serious Problem
After 2026, the Biden Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) requires all vehicles to be equipped with remote vehicle tracking and disabling technology (otherwise known as a remote kill-switch).
Since this was purported to be a way to detect impaired drivers (SEC. 24220. ADVANCED IMPAIRED DRIVING TECHNOLOGY), that means it must be able to track vehicles and know when a person’s driving indicates he or she is impaired. Therefore, it also means it can be used to illegally surveil American citizens without a warrant.
We dare not trust the federal government (or any level of government) with such potential for abuse. This poses a direct and imminent …