Warning! What you are about to see is disturbing.
Grassroots America is providing total transparency –
documenting a very real, serious problem with actual early voting data.
Inaccurate voter data must be corrected NOW – and prevented –
before any “official” results of the 2024 Primary Election are published.
Our Executive Director has been alerting elected officials for the last few days and spoke with a Deputy Attorney General today.
It’s time you know about it, see it for yourself, and demand answers.
FACT: The Texas Secretary of State’s “official” early voting results lack integrity controls.
but specific, auditable examples of duplicate early voter records.
Grassroots America’s data analysts* have discovered:
- Several thousand duplicate votes recorded for the same VUIDs (VUID = Voter Unique Identifier) over six days!
- Duplicate voters recorded for the same VUID on DIFFERENT days!
- Duplicate voter records for the same VUID voting in person AND by mail!
These duplicates are included in the Secretary of State’s Official Election Results.
It is NOT acceptable.
It must be corrected now.
It cannot wait until after early voting closes!
There may well be some erroneous data coming from the counties. But the real problem lies at the Secretary of State’s Office – the agency charged with enforcing election integrity laws and the repository of “official” election results. They obviously do not have the most rudimentary controls in their intake, data validation, and batch control processes, or these duplicates could not be recorded.
FACT: Grassroots America’s data team has discovered that there are duplicates in the cumulative voter totals at the Secretary of State website. Now, we’ll show you how you can replicate the problem yourself – see below:
The following counties show duplicates:

Potter, Hale, Medina, Bandera, Wichita, Brazoria, Dickens, Camp, Fort Bend, Young, Delta, Zavala, Culberson, Wheeler, Comal, and Jack counties. There may be more in the days ahead.
the Secretary of State, and county officials.
Appropriate safeguards and integrity measures must be in place to prevent this! Prevention of recording duplicate votes is a reasonable expectation and a BASIC standard!

Contact your State Republican Executive Committee representatives and request the Republican Party of Texas take action. Find contact form at the bottom of this linked site.
Call Secretary of State Jane Nelson. Let her know you are aware of a problem that needs her immediate attention!
(512) 463-5770
Contact SoS Nelson’s Director of the Elections Division, Christina Adkins (512) 463-9859 | Email: CAdkins@sos.texas.gov
Contact your State Representative and State Senator. Find contact information here.
See the proof for yourself! Replicate the report and view the SOS duplicates with these steps:
STEP 1: Go to: https://earlyvoting.texas-election.com/Elections/getElectionEVDates.do
STEP 2: Select the March 5th Republican Primary.

STEP 3: Then select February 23rd and click Submit.

STEP 4: You will get the following report. Scroll down to CAMP county and use Click Here to download the CSV file.

STEP 5: Open the CSV in Excel, you can see the duplicates (just as we found below).

Want to see all duplicates, which counties have duplicates on which days? Go to:
*Two of our leading data analysts:
Brett Rogers | 30 years in the IT business and over twenty years with enterprise database tools; worked for Fortune 100 companies and dozens of small and mid-size clients. brett@rightrally.com
Tom Fabry | Led the design, construction, and operation of a global network of six engineering and research & development labs across four continents for Hewlitt-Packard (HP) and their global clients, a position he held until retiring. tcfabry@yahoo.com