Voter Info

2024 Republican Primary/Runoff and General Election Endorsements
We do not endorse in every race, some races don’t have a candidate qualified for endorsement. Endorsements are only considered in contested races in which a candidate has requested an endorsement following the process outlined on the Candidate Info page.
Please check back regularly for new endorsements.
Primary Election – MARCH 5, 2024 and November 5, 2024 General Election

Donald Trump - President
Grassroots America confidently and strongly endorses Republican Donald Trump for President.
US Senate

Ted Cruz - US Senate
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Ted Cruz for re-election to the United States Senate.”
US House

Cliff Wiley - Texas Congressional District 6
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Cliff Wiley to represent US Congressional District 6.”

Brandon Gill - Texas Congressional District 26
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Brandon Gill to represent US Congressional District 26.”

Clint Dorris - Texas Congressional District 12
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Clint Dorris to represent US Congressional District 12.”

Julie Clark - Texas Congressional District 23
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Julie Clark to represent US Congressional District 23.”
Statewide Races

Christi Craddick - Railroad Commission
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Christi Craddick for re-election to the Texas Railroad Commission.”
Railroad Commissioner -- Show More
With the Texas Oil and Gas industry under vicious attack by the Biden Administration and the Left, we need to keep Christi Craddick’s administrative and industry experience at the Texas Railroad Commission. Commissioner Craddick works closely with the Texas Legislature, making sure the Railroad Commission’s position is well-known and properly funded. Warning! The Left is running anti-oil and gas candidates in the Republican Primary hoping to get a win! Commissioners Craddick, Christian and Wright work well together. Let’s keep them fighting for energy independence for Texas, which is good for jobs, good for our economy, and necessary for our national security.
Texas Senate

Jace Yarbrough - Senate District 30
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Jace Yarbrough to represent Texas Senate District 30.
SD 30 -- Show More
Radical ideologies that swarm our state capitol won’t stand a chance against Jace Yarbrough. A seventh- generation Texan, US Air Force veteran, attorney and family man, Jace is strongly principled on issues most important to Texans – the unfettered illegal invasion via our open border, securing elections, protecting children from sexualization and clinical abuse, and medical freedom. He wants to stop the high cost of illegal aliens and the magnets that attract them here because he understands the enormous strain this puts on jails, schools, and health care – not to mention a bursting welfare system. His legal expertise means that we can count on Jace to call out any weak bills that contain no penalties and enforcement. He will also be an important voice in ongoing efforts to better secure our elections through water-marked paper ballots. Jace will actively fight federal and global efforts that threaten the sovereignty of Texas. Jace Yarbrough is a true conservative champion who will prioritize conservative legislative priorities to protect Texans.
Texas House
State Representatives

Chris Spencer - House District 1
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Chris Spencer to represent Texas House District 1.”
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On the frontlines of the Texas conservative grassroots movement since 2009 – relentless, determined, smart, and dedicated, Dale Huls is challenging incumbent Gary VanDeaver, who voted for the illegal impeachment of AG Paxton and took $54,500 from Speaker Dade Phelan (TX Ethics Commission Reports & Transparency USA). Out of touch with local voters, VanDeaver sides with more than 80 lobby groups 79% of the time. Dale Huls rightly points out that VanDeaver filed zero Republican Priority bills – key bills based on what Republican voters say they want when voting on the Primary ballot propositions. Huls takes issue with VanDeaver’s record votes showing that he moves further left (with Democrats) every legislative session. Huls also disagrees with VanDeaver’s support for the appointment of Democrat Committee Chairs, his votes for grants to hospitals that transition children, a taxpayer-funded mileage tax study, and taxpayer funding of electric vehicle charging stations. Serving as a Texas Border Volunteer for many years, Huls is a subject matter expert on the border, co-authoring a Border Action Plan more than a decade ago – a comprehensive solution paper framing the issue as an invasion defined in the US Constitution. Huls understands the threats the Biden and globalist agendas pose to Texas. We’ve been in the trenches with Dale Huls, who exemplifies “the pioneer spirit” – the “put it all on the line” grit and determination that settled Texas, tamed its frontiers, and made Texas great. Dale Huls is the fighter we need to right the “off course” Texas House.

Daniel Alders - House District 6
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We confidently endorse Daniel Alders to represent Texas House District 6.”

Brian Harrison - House District 10
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We confidently and strongly endorse Brian Harrison for Re-election to Texas House District 10.”

Kyle Biedermann - House District 19
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Kyle Biedermann to Represent Texas House District 19.

Matthew Morgan - House District 26
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Matthew Morgan to Represent Texas House District 26.”
HD 26 -- Show More
Eagle Scout, family man, and award-winning, successful business-owner Matt Morgan is a hardworking, strong challenger to incumbent Jacey Jetton, who voted for the Paxton impeachment, supported Democrat Committee Chairs, and disagrees most often with top conservative Republican legislators by voting against their bills and amendments. Jetton voted for grants to hospitals that transition children, for taxpayer funding of electric vehicle charging stations, and for legislation that buys into the environmentalist “carbon credits” scam. Moving further left during the 2023 session, Jetton sided with over 80 lobby groups 83% of the time. Matt Morgan wants to return government to the people because he believes – as we do – that our state legislature is too entrenched and too disconnected to hear the concerns of everyday Texans. He believes that Republican priority legislation based on the Republican Primary ballot propositions should be passed before any other legislation. Matt will fight hard to deliver lasting property tax relief with the goal of eliminating property taxes. He knows we can only secure the border if we repel all illegal border crossers. We believe Matt Morgan will do all humanly possible to secure our elections and to defend and protect our God-given freedoms.

Katrina Pierson - House District 33
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Katrina Pierson to Represent Texas House District 33.”

Mike Olcott - House District 60
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “Reminding voters that we strongly endorse Mike Olcott for Texas House District 60. Session after session, Republican grassroots activists push to pass conservative reforms – commonsense, property tax-cutting,
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lifesaving, liberty-preserving, parental rights-respecting legislation found in the Texas GOP platform, and the bills are killed inHouse Committees by Big Government Republicans or by Democrat committee chairs placed there by Big Government Republicans! In today’s world of politicians who would sell out their grandmothers to stay in power, we need fighters who will stand to kill bad bills and who will boldly contend for the values that made Texas and this country great. Mike Olcott is that fighter.
“Mike will never allow the political ruling class to shape and mold him into whatever they need for the sake of political expediency. Mike will always fight to protect children from the sexualizing cultural Marxists. We can count on him to put Texans first by supporting an end to taxpayer-funding of illegal immigration, and Mike understands that Texas must stop the ‘catch and release’ practices that have made our southern border ever more dangerously lawless. Unlike the incumbent, Mike Olcott is the only Republican in this race who will never vote to put Democrats in seats of power! Vote Liberty – send Mike Olcott to the Texas House.”

Vince Gallo - House District 63
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Vince Gallo to Represent Texas House District 63.”
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Vince Gallo rightly says that it is time for Republican voters to stop the Democrat collaborators in the Texas House Republican Caucus who are led by Speaker Dade Phelan. The incumbent he is challenging, Ben Bumgarner, is clearly one of Phelan’s foot soldiers since Ben took $286,000 from Dade (source Texas Ethics Commission reports & Transparency USA). Bumgarner voted for the illegal impeachment process against AG Paxton and sides with more than 80 lobby groups 64.45% of the time. Vince advocates a border protection force of volunteers, Texas guard troops, and law enforcement who are given the means and authority to repel illegal entry and to return people to Mexico. On gun rights, Gallo declares: “I will not support any further restrictions on the rights of the law abiding. There is no set of rights that survives tyranny. Tyrants do not survive an armed populace.” Vince Gallo absolutely understands the vulnerability of Texas elections down to the last detail. Across the board – on every issue vital to Texas, Vince Gallo is the fighter we need.

Wayne Richard - House District 66
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Wayne Richard to Represent Texas House District 66.”
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With strong local conservate grassroots support, Wayne Richard is taking on 4-term incumbent Matt Shaheen. Voting for the illegal impeachment process against AG Paxton, Shaheen’s conservative ranking by Rice University has also fallen – mainly because he won’t fight Speaker Phelan and his House lieutenants to move conservative high priority bills out of committee and to the floor for a vote. Evidence? Shaheen showed open hostility toward conservative legislation when he voted against Rep. Tinderholt’s Amendment 9 to HR4 (rules) which would have required a record vote on any bill in committee if the bill had already received a public hearing under certain conditions. Shaheen’s vote for HB 1595 by Bonnen enables the misuse and abuse of the Rainy-Day Fund to provide yet another slush fund for Higher Education. Shaheen also voted for at least two expansions of Medicaid (HB 12, HB 2337) which add to the burden of taxpayers at a time when the federal government is pushing people off private insurance and on to Medicaid. Challenger Wayne Richard vows to put taxpayers first, reduce regulation, install free market-based solutions – not expand socialist programs that make Texans dependent on government. Articulate, liberty-principled, and focused on protecting Texans, we are confident that Wayne Richard will put citizens ahead of special interests and build a coalition of Republican House members to secure our elections, take back our border, and protect our God-given freedoms.

Liz Case - House District 71
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Liz Case to Represent Texas House District 71.”
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Liz Case, a bright and knowledgeable challenger to incumbent Stan Lambert, has been a conservative activist on the ground in Austin for the last four sessions. Citing his vote with over 80 lobby groups 82% of the time, Liz says that Lambert does not represent the values of HD 71. A strong advocate for protecting children from sexualization and indoctrination, Liz believes the legislature must go further to protect children and support parental rights. Citing election integrity as a top priority, Liz says, “Every illegal vote cancels out the legal and legitimate vote of an American citizen. I cannot think of a worse betrayal of the ideals of this nation and of the sacrifice countless men and women have made to ensure our enduring right to vote.” We agree. Her strong positions on true border security, children, and election integrity make Liz our one of our top primary candidates.

Abraham George - House District 89
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Abraham George to Represent Texas House District 89.”
HD 89 -- Show More
Challenging incumbent Candy Noble, Abraham George says it’s time for more conservative, responsive representation for HD 89. Noble sided with over 80 Lobby Groups over 60% of the time and authored only one Republican Party of Texas priority bill last session. Abraham says, “Texas is the best defense against the WOKE culture,” clearly understanding the threats to children from Marxist indoctrination and sexualized instructional materials and books in schools. He opposes corporate welfare “sweetheart” deals that push more tax burdens onto families and small businesses. Advocating for a closed border, Abraham understands the security risk and high cost of what has now become an occupation by unvetted illegals from all over the world. Because he has participated in the legislative process as a conservative grassroots activist, Abraham George is well positioned to represent HD 89 by working hard to pass the legislative priorities supported by Republican Primary voters.

Jack Reynolds - House District 99
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Jack Reynolds to Represent Texas House District 99.”

John Perez - House District 133
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse John Perez to Represent Texas House District 133.”
HD 133 -- Show More
John Perez is the well-positioned challenger to incumbent Mano DeAyala, who voted for the illegal impeachment of AG Paxton, for grants to hospitals that transition children, for taxpayer funding of electric vehicle charging stations, for the expansion of corporate welfare and supported appointment of Democrat Committee Chairs. Siding with over 80 lobbyist groups more than 68% of the time, DeAyala also took $99,209.90 from Speaker Dade Phelan. Perez believes the current Robin Hood school funding scheme – formally known as “recapture” is redistribution of wealth, should be stopped, and funding moved to a consumption tax. Well-versed in the plagues of social-emotional learning at the expense of classical education, Perez strongly supports removing sexualization and indoctrination from public school classrooms and instituting classical education. Perez objects to runaway state spending and believes the state budget should be trimmed by a minimum of 10-15% next session. Well-versed in the dangers of Biden’s 30 x 30 plan to move 30% of private property and 30% of water rights to federal control by 2030, John Perez will be a strong voice against federal and globalist encroachments on Texas liberty.

Brent Money - House District 2
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Jaye Curtis - House District 8
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We confidently endorse Jaye Curtis to represent Texas House District 8.”
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US Navy veteran Jay Curtis’s background includes service as a “Submariner” and a 25-year career in the entertainment industry. With a technical degree in Surgical Technology, Jaye brings a diverse set of skills and experiences to this race. Jaye highlights the principles of fairness, accountability, and justice in state government as he advocates for term limits, constitutional reform, and policies that empower the people. Definitely not a politician, Jaye speaks passionately about a brighter future for Texas, where every voice is heard, every right is protected, and every Texan can thrive. Jaye Curtis believes those who illegally enter Texas should be unable to obtain a loan, purchase a house, rent an apartment, or even access a payday loan. He strongly supports the full enforcement of existing laws that prohibit the employment of illegal aliens. Jaye Curtis is challenging incumbent Cody Harris who voted for the impeachment of AG Paxton; for a taxpayer-funded study of a new mileage tax; for allowing cities to lower speed limits without a traffic study (part of the federal Biden transportation plan); and for taxpayer-funding of yet more corporate welfare (redistribution of wealth). Harris also voted for the creation of a Big Brother digital ID in Texas and votes with more than 80 lobbyist groups over 62% of the time. Jaye Curtis is a commonsense conservative who won’t be beholden to the Austin political class. Texas needs Jaye Curtis – a true patriot – in the Texas House fighting for the people against Big Government.

Ben Bius - House District 12
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Ben Bius to Represent Texas House District 12.”

Steve Toth - House District 15
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We confidently and strongly endorse Steve Toth for Re-election to Texas House District 15.”
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We strongly endorse Steve Toth for re-election. Steve sees, understands, and publicly objects to the corruption and dysfunction of the Texas House. He understands that we no longer just have an “invasion” of Texas. Texas is now occupied with unvetted illegals from all over the world and we have yet to understand the toll this will take on our state and communities. Texas is in trouble. Most legislators don’t realize that, but Rep. Toth does. He understands that our state’s unhealthy pattern of spending, borrowing, and dependency on the debt-ridden federal government will be the ruin of the Lone Star State if we don’t stop sending establishment Republicans to Austin. Steve is a tried-and-true conservative who rarely agrees with Democrats (3.4% of the time). He seldom votes with the lobby groups and authored twenty-one Republican priority bills. He voted “NO” on the illegal impeachment process against AG Paxton and is a strong defender of children and Judeo-Christian values. We heartily endorse Steve Toth for re-election and are working hard to send him reinforcements.

Janine Chapa - House District 20
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We confidently and strongly endorse Janine Chapa to represent Texas House District 20.”
HD 20 -- Show More
Like many conservatives, Janine Chapa is tired of political foot-dragging that puts our liberty at risk. This native Texan says she is “is tired of seeing go-along-get-along politicians refuse to fight for our way of life here in Texas. This isn’t a time for political silence. It’s a time for action.” We could not agree more. Working in the insurance industry for 32 years, Janine has business and “people” experience. She knows what it takes to run a business that depends on customer satisfaction. With “customer satisfaction” in public institutions at an all-time low, Janine believes HD 20 is not being represented with a sense of business “urgency” as she points to incumbent Terry Wilson’s support for the illegal House process to impeach AG Paxton and his failure to stand up against the appointment of Democrat chairs for House committees as clear indications that he is now out of touch with the base of the Republican Party. Wilson’s vote for HB 1595 by Bonnen enables the misuse and abuse of the Rainy-Day Fund to provide yet another slush fund for Higher Education. Wilson’s vote for HB 5 to create a new “economic development program” through school district property tax abatements, wrongly shifts the tax burden to homeowners and businesses who do not qualify for such abatements. Mrs. Chapa believes government should not be in the business of stealing from taxpayers to give corporate welfare in the form of tax abatements. She vows to put taxpayers first, reduce regulation, install free market-based solutions – not expand socialist programs that make Texans dependent on government. Articulate, liberty-principled, and focused on protecting Texans, we are confident that Janine Chapa will put citizens ahead of special interests and build a coalition of Republican House members to secure our elections, take back our border, protect parental rights, children, and protect our God-given freedoms.

Edgar Pacheco Jr - House District 29
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Edgar Pacheco Jr to Represent Texas House District 29.

Wesley Virdell - House District 53
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Wesley Virdell to Represent Texas House District 53.
HD 53 -- Show More
Born and raised in the heart of Texas, Wes Virdell is a US Air Force veteran (worked on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and as a Military Training Leader) and small business owner in the trucking industry. Virdell is running in HD 53 to replace State Rep. Andrew Murr, who chose not to seek another term after he led the failed illegal impeachment process against AG Paxton. Like many hardworking Texans, Wes places a priority on faith, family, and freedom. He is a 9th generation Texan and 14th generation American. Before filing for this race, Wes served well as the State Director for Gun Owners of America and has spent considerable time in Austin fighting for restoration of our gun rights and against intrusive red flag laws disguised as school and child safety. Virdell declares, “I’ve worked hard all my life to build a successful business, to serve my country, to support my family, and to protect our fundamental freedoms. You can count on me to get to working for HD 53 and the people of Texas – not for the Austin lobbyists and big city business interests.” We’ve known Wes Virdell for many years. He’s been important in the Texas conservative grassroots movement. He knows his way around the legislative process, is a proven fighter, and has a heart for the people’s liberty. Texas needs Wes Virdell in the Texas House.

Keresa Richardson - House District 61
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Keresa Richardson to Represent Texas House District 61.”

Andy Hopper - House District 64
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming: “Texans need courageous legislators who won’t cower to the federal government nor sheepishly submit to executive overreach by the Governor and Austin bureaucrats.
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We need liberty defenders, ‘on offense’ disruptors, who won’t bow to the media, TX House leadership bullies, WOKE big business interests, or a God-less culture. Tough times call for ‘hard as nails’ principled leaders. That’s why we strongly endorse Andy Hopper for the Texas House. To know Andy Hopper is to know a shrewd fighter.” #txlege

Daren Meis - House District 67
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Daren Meis to Represent Texas House District 67.”
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With 30 years of business experience and strong, respected community leadership in serving Collin County residents, Daren Meis has a heart to serve and a desire to save Texas from what he sees as an utter betrayal by political special interests. Daren is running against incumbent Jeff Leach – a House Impeachment Manager who willingly pushed the illegal process against AG Paxton. A favorite of Speaker Dade Phelan, Leach continues to betray conservative Collin County by voting for a taxpayer-funded study of a mileage tax, for tax dollars used to reimburse sporting events, and for corporate welfare via HB 5 to create a new “economic development program” through school district property tax abatements, which wrongly shifts the tax burden to homeowners and businesses who do not qualify for such abatements. Leach votes with more than 80 lobbyist groups 71% of the time. Daren Meis believes it is past time to overhaul the school funding system dubbed Robin Hood and says parents must be encouraged to exert their parental rights and participate in protecting their children from exposure to sexualized materials in public schools. On election integrity, Meis wants to pass legislation empowering the Attorney General to prosecute voter fraud and election integrity crimes, while creating county level elections review boards to sample election results and audit them to ensure election result accuracy. Daren Meis will be a conservative voice for conservative Collin County. We believe Daren Meis is the right leadership, at the right time, for the right reason.

Tim Greeson - House District 85
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Tim Greeson to Represent Texas House District 85.”
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Tim Greeson, challenger to incumbent Stan Kitzman, stepped up to run because he is tired of HD 85 not being represented, “Kitzman sides with over 80 lobby groups more than 76% of the time! How can that possibly represent families and small businesses trying to make ends meet?” Greeson cited Kitzman’s vote for the illegal process to impeach Paxton, his vote for grants to hospitals that transition children, and support of a mileage tax study as top areas of disagreement. Greeson strongly understands the threat Biden’s Big Government and the World Economic Forum pose to Texans, citing Central Bank Digital Currency; vehicular kill switches; attacks on the oil and gas industry; and vaccine mandates. We believe Tim Greeson exhibits the worldview, liberty principles, character qualities, and professional background (engineering and data analytics) that will protect Texas from her enemies.

David Lowe - House District 91
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse David Lowe to Represent Texas House District 91.”

Barry Wernick - House District 108
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Barry Wernick to Represent Texas House District 108.”
HD 108 -- Show More
Barry Wernick is a strong, principled, and well-positioned challenger to incumbent Morgan Meyer who voted for the illegal impeachment process against AG Paxton. Authoring zero Republican grassroots priority bills, Meyer voted for grants to hospitals that transition children, a taxpayer-funded mileage tax study, taxpayer funding of electric vehicle charging stations, and sided with more than 80 lobby groups more than 85% of the time. Wernick emphasizes frustration with elitist politicians who refuse to listen to the people. Citing deep concerns about the over-use of technology in schools, Wernick highly favors an end to digital devices in early education and a return to classical learning. Having served as an election judge, Barry is keenly aware of the vulnerabilities of elections, emphasizing the “auditability” of every race on every ballot in every election. Wernick displays a deep understanding on a wide range of critical policy issues – closure of the border for operational control, Sen. Bob Hall-style grid security, pro-driver transportation policy, and protection of children. Wernick’s deep understanding about the threats posed by the Biden Administration and the globalist World Economic Forum leaves us no doubt that he will be a strong defender of liberty and protector of families.

Jeff Fletcher - House District 5
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We confidently endorse Jeff Fletcher to represent Texas House District 5.”
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Former District Judge Jeff Fletcher is challenging long-time HD 5 incumbent Cole Hefner who voted for the illegal process to impeach AG Paxton and for the appointment of Democrats to chair powerful Texas House Committees. Former supporters and staff have repeatedly asked Hefner to come clean about his moral lapses, repent, and retire. His refusal to do so has not only hurt his family, but those who worked hard to first elect him. He is therefore vulnerable to blackmail and beholden to Speaker Dade Phelan, which means Hefner no longer stands to fight for what is right on the House floor. Instead, he obstructs rule changes that would put the Texas House back on the side of the people – not special interests. Fletcher disagrees and says he believes the Attorney General should have concurrent jurisdiction to enable his office to prosecute rogue District Attorneys who refuse to prosecute obvious violations of the law and to prevent illegal and criminal conduct that erode the fabric of our Texas elections. On protecting children, Fletcher says, “As a parent and grandparent, I have no higher calling than to do what I can to protect our children from those who seek to corrupt their innocence. We need bills that have strong penalties and enforcement to protect our kids from smut. I will not back down on that!” Strong on election integrity/ballot security, closing the border, and gun rights, we believe Jeff Fletcher has the temperament and the leadership ability to represent House District 5 with effective honor and integrity. Jeff Fletcher loves his family, his community, and Texas too much to ever sell his good name.

Paulette Carson - House District 9
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We confidently and strongly endorse Paulette Carson to represent Texas House District 9.
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“Take Texas Back” Paulette Carson is a “fed-up” conservative mama challenging 6-term TX House incumbent Trent Ashby who voted for the illegal impeachment of AG Paxton. As evidence that he’s out of touch with his constituents, Carson points out that Ashby authored zero conservative Republican legislative priority bills for the 2023 and showed open hostility toward conservative legislation when he voted against Rep. Tinderholt’s Amendment 9 to HR4 (rules) which would have required a record vote on any bill in committee if the bill had already received a public hearing under certain conditions. Ashby votes with more than 80 lobby groups 75% of the time. Carson strongly disagrees with Ashby’s support for the appointment of Democrat Committee Chairs, his characterization of Colony Ridge as a “nothing-burger,” his vote for grants to hospitals that transition children, and his approval of legislation buying into the environmentalist “carbon credits” scam. Ashby’s vote for HB 1595 by Bonnen enables the misuse and abuse of the Rainy-Day Fund, providing yet another slush fund for Higher Education. Smart, articulate, and high-energy, Carson brings an extraordinarily strong financial and contract management background to this race. With expertise as a stalwart fiscal steward of shareholder money, Paulette is easily positioned as a true protector of the people’s taxes. A state’s rights champion to protect Texas from federal tyranny and cultural Marxism, Paulette has experience fighting socialism in Eastern Europe by using skilled translators and production teams to produce Christian media in the native languages. She also has valuable experience improving care and services for special needs families. Paulette Carson has served on the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities Committee and knows her way around the legislature. Texans need this strong, principled, fearless conservative in the Texas House!

Tom Glass - House District 17
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We confidently and strongly endorse Tom Glass for Texas House District 17.
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Long-time, full-time conservative activist and Champion of Freedom Tom Glass is well-positioned to retire incumbent Stan Gerdes. Glass is a constitutional attorney – with a law degree he earned late in life – because he needed to understand the legal basis for legislation and public policy rightly predicated upon the US and Texas Constitutions. Having spent many legislative sessions at the Capitol testifying in hearings to support operational control of the border, property tax reform, medical freedom, and grid security, Tom Glass is far more experienced in the Texas Legislative process than Stan Gerdes. A commonsense conservative, Tom is experienced in business (including the oil business), well-educated, well-spoken, and exhibits an engaging temperament, which gives him a highly persuasive ability. Tom Glass understands how to apply liberty principles to any bill and to every act of government – local, state, or federal. Tom Glass already works his heart out to secure the liberty of Texans and to encourage elected officials to resist DC’s war on Texas. Meanwhile, Stan Gerdes voted to impeach AG Paxton using an illegal process, supported Democrat committee chairs in the Texas House, sides with more than 80 lobby groups 70% of the time, and voted to allow grants to hospitals that transition children. Further proving that he is out of touch with the people of HD 17, Gerdes buys into the “green” environmentalist agenda – voting to force taxpayers to pay for electric vehicle charging stations and for legislation that buys into the notion of “Carbon Credits.” Unlike Stan Gerdes, Tom Glass understands the serious global and federal threats to Texas Liberty. We need this good, hardworking, moral man – Tom Glass – in the legislature to save the Texas we love for future generations.

David Covey - House District 21
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse David Covey to retire Speaker Dade Phelan and Represent Texas House District 21.
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David Covey is a very strong, principled, and well-positioned challenger to Dade Phelan who currently serves as Republican Speaker of the Texas House. David’s knowledge about the inner workings of the House rules, committee chicanery, and the legislative process means he can hit the ground running. His years of working for Senator Bob Hall along with a strong Christian worldview have prepared him for effectiveness on a wide array of policy issues. David rightly believes that it is not just enough to “vote right,” but that it is crucial for Republicans to make principled points during committee hearings and floor debate. Also focused on stopping bad bills, Covey understands the threat federal and global anti-liberty initiatives pose to Texas. Strong on repelling illegal border entry, stopping medical mandates, securing elections, and protecting children, David Covey is undoubtedly ready to fight for Texas families and the values that made our state great.

A J Louderback - House District 30
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse A J Louderback to Represent Texas House District 30.”
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The Texas House quite simply desperately needs a straight-talking veteran lawman with border experience to fill this HD 30 open seat. Louderback is a very outspoken advocate for children due to his experience with child predators and the damage they do to kids. A long-term law enforcement veteran, Louderback served as Sheriff of Jackson County for four terms. A regular commentator on Fox Business and NRA TV, he has deep experience with Immigration and Customs Enforcement programs in the Gulf Bend region and understands how to deliver a Texas First/America First message. Louderback is focused on stopping the magnets that attract illegals here – especially the cheap labor lobby that steals jobs from citizens. Because he has fought the criminal organizations that are now in control of our border, Louderback should be on the front lines protecting Texas. It’s time to send him to the legislature to give the Texas House a wake-up call they won’t soon forget!

Devvie Duke - House District 56
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Devvie Duke to Represent Texas House District 56.”
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Devvie Duke is a strongly principled, prepared conservative woman seeking to replace retiring Charles “Doc” Anderson for Texas House District 56. Having served as State Republican Executive Committeewoman for Senate District 22 and as Chair of the Election Integrity Committee for legislative priorities, Devvie understands the problems with our dysfunctional Texas House and what its political ruling class is doing to destroy our liberty. Mrs. Duke strongly opposes the Republican Speaker’s practice of installing Democrat Chairs over powerful House committees. She has watched firsthand as Democrats (and liberal Republicans) killed key conservative legislation in committee. Devvie sees the House’s inability to pass a strong bill to gain operational control of our border (repelling illegal entry) and their failure to pass comprehensive election integrity and ballot security measures – such as authorizing the Attorney General to prosecute election crimes – as inexcusable. Devvie also cites these as her top election integrity priorities: require citizenship verification of each voter; restrict the distribution of mail-in ballots to only disabled, military, and citizens that are out of state; and close primary elections in Texas so that Democrats cannot cross over and vote for liberals in Republican primaries. A tireless conservative grassroots warrior, Devvie is a strong defender of gun rights, parental rights, and the sanctity of human life. While Austin politicians cozy up to Democrats and work overtime to protect their lobbyist friends, we can count on Devvie Duke to marching arm in arm with other passionate conservatives to fight for our values and the Texas we love. Devvie Duke is a “conservative mama” ready to clean up the Texas House!

Helen Kerwin - House District 58
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Helen Kerwin in the Republican Primary Runoff to Represent Texas House District 58.”

Shelley Luther - House District 62
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Shelley Luther to Represent Texas House District 62.”
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Our Texas House desperately needs a smart, prepared, straight-talking conservative woman with small business experience. Having survived the heavy boot of government tyranny during the COVID-19 shutdown, Shelley Luther understands what it means to fight. Well prepared to serve, Shelley is taking on incumbent Reggie Smith, Phelan’s Republican House Elections Committee Chair who blocked ALL election integrity bills from being voted out of committee. Smith also voted for the illegal impeachment of Paxton, authored zero Republican priority bills, has taken more than $185,000 from Dade Phelan, and voted to let asylees/refugees use a TWIC card as a form of voter ID. Strong on election integrity, repelling illegal border crossers, grid security, protecting children, ending corporate welfare, and going further to protect medical freedom, Shelley Luther says she will employ a legislative coalition-building strategy and work with conservative grassroots leaders to get our priority bills passed. Shelley Luther has what it takes to put the Texas House back on the side of the people. Help her fire Reggie Smith.

Mitch Little - House District 65
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Mitch Little to Represent Texas House District 65.”
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Mitch Little is a strong, principled, and well-positioned challenger to incumbent Kronda Thimesch who voted for the illegal impeachment process against AG Paxton. Authoring zero Republican grassroots priority bills, Thimesch voted for grants to hospitals that transition children, a taxpayer-funded mileage tax study, taxpayer funding of electric vehicle charging stations, and the creation of a digital ID in Texas, while siding with more than 80 lobby groups 74% of the time! Mitch Little emphasizes frustration with politicians who betray the values of their constituents and continue to increase spending. It is refreshing to hear a candidate actually talk about the need to root out waste, fraud, abuse and trim the overlapping/duplicating departments, agencies and programs in state government! Citing deep concerns about the lack of standardized election processes and vulnerable voting systems in Texas, Mitch Little will work to make sure every legal vote counts and that every race on every ballot can be audited to verify the results. Mitch Little displays a deep understanding on a wide range of critical policy issues – closure of the border for operational control, Sen. Bob Hall-style grid security, pro-driver transportation policy, and protection of children. Mitch’s deep understanding about the threats posed by the Biden Administration and the globalist World Economic Forum leaves us no doubt that he will be a strong defender of liberty and protector of families. The Texas House needs Mitch Little!

Kerri Kingsbery - House District 68
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Kerri Kingsbery to Represent Texas House District 68.”
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Kerri Kingsbery is a strong conservate female candidate for the Texas House, taking on incumbent David Spiller, who served as a House impeachment manager for the illegal scheme to impeach AG Paxton. Spiller also took $97,700 from Speaker Dade Phelan, supported appointment of Democrat Committee Chairs, taxpayer funding of electric vehicle charging stations, and approved legislation that buys into the environmental “carbon credits” scam. Kerri believes America is at risk and that Texas must be secured from federal and global power grabs that threaten Texas Sovereignty. She rightly says, “At a time when we are fighting to save America, the Texas House Republican leadership ignored the duty to secure our border, advance election integrity, protect our kids from transgenderism, and stop giving China access or ownership over our soil.” Well-versed in a wide array of Republican priority issues and a successful business owner, we believe Mrs. Kingsbery will be a strong and successful legislator for the people of Texas.

Jamie Haynes - House District 86
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Jamie Haynes to Represent Texas House District 86.”
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Texans need smart, articulate, prepared, principled Mama Bears like Jamie Haynes in the Texas House. Jamie is challenging incumbent John Smithee (in office since 1985). Smithee authored zero Republican priority bills last year, but voted in support of taxpayer subsidies for sporting events and for legislation that steers Texas toward Green Agenda “carbon credits.” As a deeply experienced conservative grassroots activist, Jamie Haynes is a strong challenger for Smithee. She served on the Republican Party of Texas “‘Stop Sexualizing Texas Kids’” subcommittee to help pass HB 900 (READER Act) – a ban on pervasively vulgar, sexually explicit and violent books/materials in classrooms and libraries. She serves on the core team for the grassroots organization pushing education reform and parental rights – Texas Ed 911 and is a Youth Literature Task Force co-chair. An experienced rancher, small business owner, and mother, Jamie is high energy and passionate about saving Texas from cultural Marxism, the globalist agenda, and the occupation of Texas by illegal border crossers. We can count on Jamie Haynes to fight hard and smart in defense of Texas families and liberty.

Cheryl Bean - House District 97
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Cheryl Bean to Represent Texas House District 97.”

Marc LaHood - House District 121
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Marc LaHood to Represent Texas House District 121.”
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Marc LaHood, a very robust and well-positioned challenger to incumbent Steve Allison, who is so out of touch with average Texans that he votes with over 80 lobby groups 86% of the time. Allison almost always opposes Republican bills and amendments before he ever votes against any Democrat bill or amendment. Voting for the impeachment of Paxton, Allison authored zero Republican priority legislation and took just under $169,000 from Speaker Dade Phelan. Challenger LaHood has called out Allison for his votes to decriminalize voter fraud, for grants to hospitals that transition children, for a taxpayer-funded mileage tax study and for supporting environmentalist “carbon credits.” Marc understands that the wide-open border destabilizes Texas and the US. He can clearly see the threats to Texas from the Biden Administration and the WEF agenda. Marc says he is afraid for his children and believes he can help build a principled, results-oriented group of Republican House members to better protect Texas. Mr. LaHood is a serious man. We believe he has the mettle and the courage to make a real difference.
Regional/Statewide Judicial
NOTE: Many important judicial races are regional, covering multiple counties. Look for your ballot’s judicial races under Smith County Local Ballot or Other Counties buttons.

John Devine - Texas Supreme Court
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Justice John Devine for re-election to the Texas Supreme Court.”
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Knowing that the Supreme Court plays a critical role in holding the line for the rule of law; it follows that Justice Devine has more than proven how critical is his role as a clear voice of conscience for the Court. When it comes to defending our constitutional rights, we can depend on Devine to courageously speak up in a dissenting opinion when the Court refuses to take a case that concerns the eternal struggle between government overreach and the sovereignty of the individual. A stalwart defender of parental rights who has played a vital role in the ongoing battle to defend the fundamental, God-given right of parents to raise their children as they see fit, in an opinion regarding parental rights, Devine writes: “This natural parental right [is] a basic civil right of man and far more precious than property rights …” A smart, competent, principled conservative, John Devine is personable and tireless in his efforts to educate Texans about the importance of the TX Supreme Court in the defense of liberty. Texas Liberty needs Devine to remain on the TX Supreme Court.

No Endorsement - Texas Court of Appeals, Place 8
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We have no endorsement in the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 8 race. No candidate met our stringent endorsement criteria.”

David Schenck - Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Presiding Judge
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse David Schenck for Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Presiding Judge.”
With a record of judicial service that proves his commitment to the Texas and US Constitutions, the rule of law, and the right of all Texans to an honest, competent, and impartial judiciary, David Schenck has the clear-eyed bench experience and the focus to deliver the independent and impartial justice Texans deserve. His intellect, temperament, and work ethic will serve Texans well in the Presiding Judge role.

Clint Morgan - Justice, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 7
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Clint Morgan for Place 7 on the Texas Court of Appeals because that Court desperately needs clear-thinking, principled originalists on the bench.
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“A constitutional conservative, Clint Morgan is known to be a man of the highest character. He is a career prosecutor with over a decade of experience and excellence in criminal law. With a proven court room record and a prolific body of outstanding appellate briefs, Clint is a thought leader in Texas criminal justice, a clear and compelling orator, and a high-energy administrator. An originalist in the mold of US Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito, when Clint interprets the Constitution or a law, he respects its original meaning and does the arduous work of digging out the legal history from original sources. He will not legislate from the bench! Texas needs Clint Morgan on the 1st Court of Appeals!”

Gina Parker - Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Gina Parker for Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 7.”
We believe it is time for fresh voices in the judiciary – smart, conservative, “rule of law” voices who have the courage to think independently, to do what is right to ensure their court renders justice. Gina Parker has experience as both a prosecutor and defense attorney, which gives her a balanced perspective. Having been in the private practice of law, she has been involved in the day-to-day representation of clients – meeting with clients, finding rehab for clients, studying the applicable law, preparing motions, negotiating plea bargains, and trying cases. We believe this is important experience.
State Board of Education

Dr. Mary Bone - State Board of Education, District 10
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Dr. Mary Bone for the State Board of Education, District 10.”
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A highly accomplished engineer, author, and professor, Mary Bone is a strong advocate for the State Board of Education fully assuming all of its statutory powers to hold local school districts accountable to the rule of law and to academic performance. She believes in classical education, that student data should never be sold, and that parents must have full authority over their child’s education. She opposes classroom indoctrination through DEI, Critical Race Theory, and sexually explicit, pervasively vulgar books and classroom materials. She believes that a vital part of improving our academic scores includes shutting down illegal immigration. Dr. Mary Bone knows that hard-working teachers are not equipped to teach the massive influx of non-English speaking students. We believe Dr. Mary Bone will be a catalyst for great improvements on the State Board of Education – putting education back on the side of parents and student academic achievement!

Brandon Hall - State Board of Education, District 11
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Brandon Hall for the State Board of Education, District 11.”
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Brandon Hall is a determined, articulate, and high-energy conservative. Like us, he is tired of “conservative” Republicans failing to deliver on the issues that matter most – accountability for academic results, respect for parental authority, and banning Cultural Marxism in our public schools. Brandon believes our schools need to get back to the foundational principles of education – rooted in conservative values – to reclaim academic rigor and integrity and to provide students with a strong launching pad for their futures. Brandon Hall will be an “always prepared” catalyst leader on the State Board of Education, challenging the SBOE to exercise its full statutory authority to hold public schools accountable for academic achievement while not ceding any of its authority to the Texas Education Agency. Brandon Hall will demand results with a strong sense of business “urgency” for the people of Texas. We’re all in for Brandon Hall for SBOE, District 11.

Jamie Kohlmann - State Board of Education, District 12
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Jamie Kohlmann for the State Board of Education, District 12.”
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Jamie Kohlmann is a young mother, a professional, and a passionately determined conservative reformer for education. She believes parents – not the state – should be in full control of their children’s education. Jamie believes that Cultural Marxism found in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion doctrines, Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and highly sexualized books and materials are wrong for Texas children. With three elementary aged kids of her own, Jamie feels the impact of the ideologically driven education establishment and we are confident that Jamie will relentlessly protect all our Texas children. We know this – Jamie Kohlmann will NEVER let bureaucrats make decisions for underaged kids without parental consent. Knowing that radical ideologues want to exploit the vulnerability of kids, Jamie will ensure our curriculum and instructional materials are age appropriate. Jamie believes all Texas public school curriculum should be at grade level and focused on pushing students to be academically successful. A strong supporter of classical education, Jamie believes the State Board of Education must assume all of its statutory authority to hold public schools accountable and does not believe the SBOE should push any of its authority over to the Texas Education Agency. Jamie Kohlmann will shake things up on the Texas SBOE. It’s time to stop talking about improving academic achievement and get on with producing measurable results!
Smith County Local Ballot

Austin Reeve Jackson - Judge, 114th District Court
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Austin Reeve Jackson for re-election as Judge, 114th District Court.
Judge Austin Reeve Jackson’s record leaves no doubt about his commitment to the Texas and US Constitutions, the rule of law, and the right of all Texans to an honest, competent, and impartial judiciary. He has demonstrated tremendous administrative skills, as evidenced by efficiently clearing his court’s docket post-COVID and through his service as Smith County Administrative Judge for two terms. Judge Jackson’s character and integrity are abundantly evident in every area of his service to the citizens of Smith County.

Christina Drewry - Smith County Commissioner, Precinct 1
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We strongly endorse Christina Drewry for Smith County Commissioner, Precinct 1.”
We strive to weigh each candidate’s abilities, core principles, values, and their potential for long-term positive impact on the future of taxpaying citizens.
Christina Drewry brings an inspiring enthusiasm, an evident commitment to hard work, and the aptitude to tackle difficult problems. Mrs. Drewry will no doubt show up each time the Commissioners Court convenes prepared, ready to ask relevant questions, and always thinking about how to do the job better. She will work hard to bring the entire team to the right conclusion about what is best for Smith County taxpayers. We are confident she will set a very high standard for the Commissioners Court.
Christina has a deep conviction in her heart to do and say the right thing – at the right time – for the right reason. We believe she is honest, loves this community, and knows that families and businesses thrive best when government is limited, transparent, responsible, and affordable. She is a conservative who not only understands the need for disciplined spending, but Christina will work hard to evaluate government operations to get the most out of every tax dollar and to protect Smith County from federal and state government overreach.

No Endorsement - Smith County Republican Party Chair
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director: “We have no endorsement in the Smith County Republican Party Chair race. No candidate met our stringent endorsement criteria.”

Quint Balkcom - Smith County ESD 2, Commissioner District 1
Retired Texas Game Warden Quint Balkcom for Emergency Services District 2, Commissioner District 1 brings more than two decades of experience in law enforcement, operational readiness, and emergency response. His financial and personnel management expertise includes supervision, maintenance, and accurate budgeting for a geographical region covering 25 counties. Quint Balkcom demonstrates a readiness to ask tough questions to protect both taxpayers and fire fighters. We are confident that Quint Balkcom will treat ALL fire fighters with respect, will work hard to stretch tax dollars, and deliver results for those dollars. Vote for Quint Balkcom. He is a voting Republican. We checked!

Sara Maynard - Smith County Court at Law 2
Unanimous, strong endorsement of Judge Sara Maynard for Smith County Court at Law 2
Appointed by the Smith County Commissioners Court to fill the bench vacancy, Sara Maynard has been serving as Smith County Court at Law 2 Judge since January of 2023. In that time, she has reduced the office budget and the backlog of cases. This court handles family law matters, including protective orders, divorces, and child custody, as well as criminal misdemeanors and all extraditions for Smith County, and civil matters such as contract disputes, eminent domain, and personal injuries.
Judge Maynard served the prior four years as an assistant district attorney prosecuting both misdemeanor and felony cases in the juvenile court of Smith County.
She began her career by founding and managing her own business for over 20 years – a law firm dealing in civil, criminal, and family law. Her business experience affords her the ability to make tough budgetary decisions while striving to do the job right – delivering the highest quality services at the very best price. Judge Maynard also served as a prosecutor at Tyler Municipal Court for twelve years.
Additionally, Judge Maynard has a long record of service. She served as an appointed volunteer Emergency Services District 2 Commissioner and filled the role of secretary for the Board of Commissioners, working tirelessly to ensure accountability for tax dollars spent. She and her husband Roy coached debate at Good Shepherd School, qualifying 20 students to the prestigious national tournament in 20 years. As an attorney in private practice, she became one of less than a hundred attorneys Board Certified in Juvenile Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Judge Maynard has a long history of community involvement, including the Smith County Republican Women’s Club, serving as Secretary for the Smith County Republican Club, as a founding board member for the new conservative Lindale Republican Club, as a Republican precinct chair, an election judge, and parliamentarian for the Smith County Republican Party. She is a long-time member of Grassroots America, served on their Local Government Watchdog Committee, and has taught parliamentary procedure to their Coalition leaders.
Judge Maynard’s record and practice have long demonstrated that she values the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and personal responsibility. She is committed to the separation of powers, and believes that a judge must administer the law, rather than make new law. In observing her service as judge for the last several months, we are certain that we can count on Judge Sara Maynard to never “write law” from the bench. We therefore strongly urge Smith County voters to hire her at the ballot box in March 2024 to serve as Judge of the Smith County Court at Law 2 bench.
JoAnn Fleming
Executive Director
For the Board of Directors, Grassroots America – We the People PAC™

J. Scott Herod - Smith County Commissioner, Precinct 3
Executive Director JoAnn Fleming, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse J Scott Herod for Smith County Commissioner, Precinct 3.”
County Commissioners are responsible for adopting a budget that properly and efficiently funds county roads, bridges, drainage; the court system (JP, County, District, Specialized), elections, jail operations, animal control, the jail, the offices of tax assessor/collector, records management, information technology, facilities management, veteran services, environmental crimes, purchasing, district attorney, auditor, county clerk, district clerk, constables, sheriff, and fire marshal.
J. Scott Herod
- Brings important financial and strategic planning experience that is badly needed by the court.
- Demonstrates an ability to manage complex, dynamic business environments and major budgets.
- Understands and can articulate the vitally necessary steps for “due diligence” analysis BEFORE spending tax dollars.
- Displays strong core values from a “world view” that will inform his decision-making.

Larry Smith - Smith County Sheriff
- Sheriff Larry Smith has been “recommended” this election cycle because his years of experience in law enforcement and service to the County. At a time of rising threats from an array of both foreign and domestic enemies, we believe the Smith County Sheriff’s Office needs Larry Smith at the helm.
- His Chief Deputies have initiated innovative programs to improve quality controls, reduction of risk, greater accountability and transparency in jail operations.
- When he first ran for office, Sheriff Smith promised not to be a “political” sheriff. He said that instead of making endorsements – especially for the budget-making offices of County Judge and Commissioners – he would take his case directly to the people for additional funding needs. Over time, he has abandoned that pledge. We have seen that practice go very badly in counties across this state with commissioners so beholden to the local sheriff that they lose the ability to wisely judge what is in the best interest of ALL the people in the funding of ALL of county government – not just those areas controlled by the sheriff.
- Sheriff Smith was not endorsed this cycle because of ongoing, long-term issues regarding jail operations, questionable costs, a pending federal lawsuit, politicization of the office, and sorely needed improvements in communications. We have discussed these matters with Sheriff Smith for many months and will continue to work with him toward improvements.

Josh Joplin - Smith County Constable, Precinct 4
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We endorse Josh Joplin for re-election as Smith County Constable, Precinct 4.”
Constables serve as key players in county law enforcement by patrolling their precincts and assisting other law enforcement officials. Constables also have important duties beyond serving as bailiff for the local Justice of the Peace Court – local policing and serving civil processes like eviction notices and child support collection. Josh Joplin has greatly matured as he gained valuable experience in this important office. The citizens in his precinct like his accessibility, visibility, and responsiveness. We believe Constable Joplin’s independent-minded streak, his sense of humor, and his always ready to serve “citizen-first” mindset is good for Smith County residents.

Johnny Brown - Smith County ESD 2, Commissioner District 4
Johnny Brown for Emergency Services District 2, Commissioner District 4 brings 51 years of emergency service operations experience with a strong commitment to providing the right level of funding for the fire departments while keeping property taxes in line. His #1 mission is to produce results – with lives and property saved from fires and disasters. He is a win for firefighters and for taxpayers! Go to the end of your ballot and vote for experienced conservative Johnny Brown. This is a nonpartisan race, but Johnny Brown is a voting Republican. We checked!
Other Counties Local Ballots

Kim Laseter - 401st Judicial District Court, Collin County
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Kim Laseter for 401st Judicial District Court, Collin County.”

Chip Krieger - Van Zandt County Sheriff

Darrell Hale - Collin County Commissioner Precinct 3
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Darrell Hale for Re-election as Commissioner – Collin County Precinct 3.”

Valerie Villareal - Kaufman County Republican Party Chair

Christine Kalmbach - Cy-Fair ISD Board of Trustees Position 4

Vince Giardino - 396th District Court, Tarrant County

Cary Mellema - Wise County Sheriff
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Cary Mellema for Wise County Sheriff.”

Joyce Yannuzzi - Comal County Commissioner, Precinct 1

Gwen Withrow - Montgomery County Republican Party Chair

Nathan Buchanan - Bexar County Sheriff
JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director, Board of Directors: “We strongly endorse Nathan Buchanan for Bexar County Sheriff.”

Tim Good - 18th District Attorney

David Eishen - Wood County Commissioner, Precinct 3