When they won’t listen, we go to war! Follow our local campaign to save kids from public library smut. Learn what to do!
Can we all agree that our children don’t need access to pornographic and sexually explicit books in our public libraries?
I’m glad you agree. Then the next question: why do children have access to pornographic and sexually explicit books in the Tyler Public Library?
That’s right. Shockingly inappropriate, pornographic, and sexually explicit materials are in the teen section of the Tyler Public Library.
The state of Texas recently deemed these same books unsuitable for minors when, with bipartisan support, they passed the R.E.A.D.E.R Act which prohibits sexually explicit materials from Texas public school libraries.
For over a year, a growing number of community members have made reasonable appeals to the Tyler Public Library Board to relocate materials that are not subject matter appropriate or age appropriate for children to an area of the library that is not accessible to children.
The effort to move these books has largely been ignored by the Tyler Public Library Board!
They recently voted 4 to 2 to keep the pervasively vulgar and sexually explicit book All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson. These Tyler Library Board members are appointed by the Tyler City Council, and while they are not directly accountable to us, the Tyler City Council most surely is!
We’re stepping it up a notch to make your voices heard.
The Tyler City Council, including Mayor Warren, have all been sent information about, and excerpts from, some of the most offensive books. They have ignored appeals for a town hall meeting and have never once placed this serious issue on their agenda.
Since they have ignored appeals for a public discussion of community standards for our public library, we have no choice but to escalate our efforts; therefore, to ensure all members of the Tyler City Council are fully informed of the subject matter being debated, at least one page of excerpts from a single book title recently found in the teen section of the Tyler Public Library will be provided to them over a period of thirty days. We are calling this campaign the Dirty Thirty.
Click here to KNOW the facts by seeing Dirty Book #1.
When our campaign is over, the Tyler City Council will have been made fully aware of the problem and the solution. It will be up to them to act.
We intend to help the Tyler City Council understand the following facts:
- The sexualization of children through pornographic, sexually explicit materials is a form of sexual grooming that leads to mental health issues and puts them at greater risk of sexual exploitation.
- Book boundaries are not book bans! The regulation of explicit content does not violate the First Amendment. Between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates public airwaves for indecent and profane content in compliance with federal broadcasting laws, in order to protect children.
- The removal of sexually explicit materials from children’s collections is supported in legal precedence and comports to Supreme Court decisions, including Board of Education vs. Pico (1982).
These books contain blatant pornography, sexual deviancy, and pedophilia that rape the minds and emotions of children and normalize behavior that promotes the utter degradation of our culture, reducing human sexuality to soul-eating animalistic acts. The destruction of childhood innocence with taxpayer-funded, pervasively vulgar materials readily found in our public library must stop.
The law recognizes that children are developmentally unable to consent to physical sexual activity. A child cannot consent to mental and emotional rape either! Parents should and must have the confidence that their children can go to a public library without having their minds raped. Elected officials everywhere should be protecting our most precious resource – children!
It’s just common sense to preserve community standards that will ensure Tyler is a safe and nurturing place for children to thrive.
We get the government that we consent to! Let’s show the Tyler City Council that we, the people of Tyler, Texas, do not consent to a government that sexualizes children.
Let’s get ready to make a difference in Tyler and across Texas!
Most sincerely,