They reduced voter fraud criminal penalties from a 2nd Degree Felony to a Class A Misdemeanor! Source: See Texas Legislature Online, Bill Number SB 1, Section 9.03, pages 72-73, changed Election Code § 64.012
Decriminalize: To reduce or abolish criminal penalties
Before SB 1 was passed by the GOP-controlled legislature & Gov. Abbott signed it into law:
Ineligible voting was a 2nd degree felony.
Duplicate voting was a 2nd degree felony.
Voting a ballot belonging to another person was 2nd degree felony.
Fraudulent marking of ballots was a 2nd degree felony.
Now, these acts of fraud are all classified as Class A misdemeanors!
Even voting in a Texas election and in another state’s election when a federal office (President, US Senate, US Representatives) is on the ballot on the SAME election day – is also only a Class A Misdemeanor!
Since our Sept. 28 statewide Call to Action, Gov. Abbott heard YOU! Two days later – on 9/30 – he added “increasing illegal voting penalties” to the 3rd Special Session call which ends 10/19! He acknowledged that we were right – he had signed into law (SB 1) – a bill that decreased criminal penalties for voter fraud!
Note: The 3rd Special Session ended without the penalty being returned to a Felony.