Grassroots America’s 2020
Republican Primary Election
Voter Guides
How to Participate in the
TX Republican Convention Process –
Precinct, County, State
Click here for Smith County voter guide – our home county.
Click here for statewide list.
Click here for more election information on our “under construction” web site. If you scroll to the bottom of the web page, you can click on our Facebook posts to read candidate endorsement statements.
About Our Endorsements
If an endorsement is missing in a particular race, either we are “parked” until the runoff (standing back to allow our Coalition partners to make their choices), or none of the candidates fit our criteria, or the candidates did not complete our process. We do not chase candidates down for interviews. We make the process public before and when we commence interviews. It is the personal responsibility of the candidates and the campaign team to reach out. We reserve the right to not endorse in certain races. [Hint: see Fleming Successful Leadership Rule #3.]
For those of you concerned because you do not see Congressman Chip Roy endorsed (CD 21), we already endorsed him for re-election. Chip is not on this guide because he has NO Primary election opponent. He will be on our General Election list – as will Samuel Smith for Texas House District 107.
We will commence runoff election interviews – where needed – and those for the November General Election AFTER the March 3 Primary concludes.
About SREC Races
Grassroots America will make endorsements in SREC races, but we will do so at the right time!
Unlike Republican Precinct Chairs and County Party Chairs, State Republican Executive Committee members ARE NOT on the Primary ballot!
We have plenty of investigating to do in these Senate Districts. It takes time. We take things in order around here.
If someone is running for the SREC and they want to be considered for our endorsement OR if a Coalition partner has a candidate they want to recommend for an interview, please email . She will start scheduling those when JoAnn gives her the green light.
So, why did we already endorse in the Republican Party State Chairman’s race when that is not on the Primary ballot? Based on our Board’s deliberations about some very bad decisions being made in the Party – during the legislative session and ever since the legislature adjourned in May 2019 – it was time. I will let it go at that. Also, Fleming Rule #3.
How you can be a delegate to your precinct, county and state Republican Conventions:
Click here for a handy one-page guide:
Click here for Smith County Precinct Convention information:
Remember that if conservatives don’t show up to participate in these conventions, the seats may be filled with Rinos!
When conservatives unite around liberty principles, freedom wins!